Welcome to The Listeners’ Club, a blog dedicated to the visceral experience of listening to music.
As a professional orchestral violinist and teacher, I started The Listeners’ Club as a way to share my favorite pieces with audience members, my violin students, and their families. Now, The Listeners’ Club‘s over 1,000 posts attract a growing community of passionate music lovers around the world.
You could easily define this as a “classical music appreciation blog,” but that description may be too limiting. We listen to a wide variety of music, occasionally including jazz, rock and contemporary, without regard for labels.
Whether you’re an aficionado or new to the game, I hope you’ll join me for a new post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I’ll show you a few details that, I believe, make this music extraordinary. I encourage you to share your own thoughts as well. What grabs your ear?
And now, let’s plug in the headphones and begin…